Dry Fog


The nanOXill cold dry-fog dispensing system allows users to quickly and safely dispense an aerosol dispersion in even the most complex areas. The conformation of the device and its powerful internal turbine allow a rapid dispersion of the cold vapor / aerosol and this ensures that the most distant areas are reached effectively.

Advantages of the dry-fog atomization

The nanOXill equipment is designed to produce an aerosol of fine droplets with an average size of 7.5 microns in diameter which ensures uniform dispersion of the sanitizing product throughout the environment. These small droplets, have a physical behavior distinctly different from those of larger size since they tend to bounce when they come into contact with surfaces and therefore avoid excessive condensation by depositing a very fine layer of active principle. Moreover, this small scale dimension of the droplets avoids the humidity condensation on the surfaces that are preserved to be wet and aggressively attacked (corrosion).

Excessive humidification of surfaces and objects and aggression by active ingredients are typical problems associated with nebulizing systems that produce larger droplets.

Droplet size
dry fog action
fine mist droplet